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I’m a Whore-der.

This is something I’ve known for a long time. I collect lots of things – clothes, make-up, nail polish etc – which can lead to problems.

For instance, I own around 200 nail polishes. I mean who the fudge needs that many nail polishes? A MILLIPEDE? There is only so many variations of red that one person realistically needs.

I can’t really pinpoint when this obsession with owning lots of items started, although I think it may have started when my parents opened a bank account for me and gave me my own debit card just before I went to college.

I can remember my parents struggling with money and not being able to afford the little luxuries that life can offer. This may have contributed to my distorted train of thinking that more = better, which is not very healthy really.

From this picture above, I’d probably rate my room between a 4 or 5 (although I’d say my room is much tidier than these example images). I want to get it down to at least 2.

However, since moving away from home nine months ago for university, my stash of beauty items and clothes (and all kinds of other crap) has doubled. As soon as I moved away, I instantaneously went into survival mode, buying anything and everything I could find that was a bargain. 

Nevertheless, I have never gotten myself into debt because of my habits, so…it’s okay for now, I suppose? At least I’m well prepared for the next year of Uni.


**Originally posted on 22/06/2015**


Student, UK

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